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Saturday, September 3, 2011


Lord Curzon. 1899-1905. Chief features of his tenure were: 
(a) North West Frontier Plicy - ''Withdrawal of British forces from advance. positions, employment of tribal forces in the defence of tribal territory , concentration of British forces behind them as a safeguard and a support and the improvements of communicatons in the rear '' 
(b) Foreign Policy - Lord Curzon kept peaceful relations with the N.W. Frontier Tribes and Afghanistan and too k effective steps to protect British interest in Persia. The Tibetans were defeated; they had to pay a heavy war indemnity and the British Government was allowed to Control their foreign Policy.
(c) Punjab Land Alienation Act was passed in 1905, by which the lands of the cultivators could not be transferred to money- lenders or non - agriculturists by sale or mortgage. 
(d) By the Indian Universities  Act. (1904). he officialised the universities, since they were to have a majority of nominated members on the Senate. 
(e) In 1905, he partitioned Bengal into two separate provinces -- 
(i) West Bengal, (ii) East Bengal and Assam . There was agitation all over the country against this partition which had to be annulled in 1911.

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